
Road to Joy

Interfaith Spiritual Gathering

Freedom & Totalitarianism Discussion Group News:
New time effective April 29, 2024

Join us via Zoom on Mondays at 11:30 am:

In our discussions recently, we've used as a springboard this excellent Brownstone piece by Dr. Clayton Barker:
This article is a great addition to our reading and understanding of totalitarianism from where we began months ago reading the book, "Psychology of Totalitarianism", by Mattias Desmat (published by Vermont's own Chelsea Green).
And if You're not familiar yet with The Brownstone Institute, check them out!  Wow! 

We've also been reading and watching Charles Eisenstein who has announced his new Sanity Project "A program and forum to hold and grow sanity in turbulent times."  You can learn more here: . Enrollment for the Sanity Project course is open; cost is self-determined. 


We have started a great new book, "180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe." by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood.  The book is available electronically at 

Join us on Mondays via Zoom to continue the discussion
"Stop for a moment and take a look at the world around you. Does everything seem normal? Or is it all upside down? Do you think this is happening just by chance? And if it isn’t, wouldn’t you like to know what is really going on? To get back to the truth we need to invert the inversions. 180° is not just an angle, it is an answer; a total perspective and a set of solutions. No one said getting to The Golden Age was going to be easy. That journey begins with questioning everything you have been taught to believe.”