Welcome to "On the Road to Joy"!
Health Freedom Interfaith Spiritual Gathering & Activities
Hosted by Rev. Dr. Mellen Kennedy In-Person & On Zoom
So that we can be with, enjoy, support and get to know each other
uplift each other and raise our vibrations high ~
celebrate with stories, songs, silence, movement, prayer, ritual, readings & laughter.
Upcoming On the Road to Joy Gatherings
We'll be meeting on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays in August since I will be at a Sufi dance retreat on the 4th Sunday,
which is our usual meeting time.
Sunday August 11, 4 PM Eastern Time
on Zoom and in person in Southern Vermont
“Let's Celebrate the Summer Solstice!"
with Rev. Mellen Kennedy
Sunday August 18, 4 PM Eastern Time
on zoom and in-person, possibly at Bread & Butter Farm in Shelburne. Followed by a potluck.
200 Leduc Farm Road, Shelburne, VT
Followed by a potluck
Led by Rev. Mellen Kennedy, these gatherings are usually held the 2nd & 4th Sundays at 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time on zoom and/or in-person.
Bio: Rev. Dr. Mellen Kennedy is a Universalist Minister and Sufi Cherga. She is honored to serve with Dexter Lefavour as co-pastor of Shady Rill New Church. She is founder of “On the Road to Joy: Health Freedom Educational & Spiritual Gathering” and lives in Lincoln, VT.
Our Website http://ontheroadtojoy.com
Bridgewater Barn https://bridgewaterbarn.org/index.html
Vermont Stands Up https://www.vermontstandsup.org/
Children's Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
Health Choice Vermont https://www.healthchoicevt.com/
Braver Angels https://braverangels.org/
Brownstone Institute https://brownstone.org/
Student Declaration 2023 https://studentdeclaration2023.org/
Vermont Stands Up has a much longer list of resources including legislative updates here:
Services on Zoom and/or in Person
Worship Services:
2nd and 4th Sundays at 4 pm ET
Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Mellen Kennedy
ZOOM LINK: same each time https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8019223802
More Events HERE.
Donations Gratefully Accepted to Help Offset Costs
We appreciate donations of any amount to help offset costs such as our website and Zoom hosting account.